The last Ethical Brand Round up I did was a pretty big hit with you guys, so I thought that I'd make another one, this time not just for UK Brands but general brands I've found that I love.
As someone who has an alternative fashion sense I'm very happy that I am finding more and more ethical brands that are actually my kind of style.
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The last post was all about British brands on a budget, this post is more of an all round post of some brands I've recently found and love. Some of them aren't so much on student budget but would be great to get lasting investment pieces from.

Noisy may
I saw these sequin knee jeans in ASOS a while ago and can't believe I haven't bought them yet. Noisy may do some cute pieces as well as some snazzy statement pieces too.
Noisy May is actually a collection by Vero Moda, who are owned by Bestseller. Bestseller are actually part of the UN's global talents, who work to creatre new solutions to the UN's development goals which is impressive stuff. Plus they only work with factories who comply with their code of conduct, you can read more about that here.
Also available on ASOS.

Olive Clothing 
Olive do some seriously cute pieces, ethically made and also adorable, totally amazing. Their embroidered stuff is my face, I am a sucker for cactus embroidered pieces as random as that sounds. So I'm a sucker for a lot of their pieces.

Finery for me feel like a British version of Reformation (or is Reformation an American version of Finary?),  they have quite similar feel to their site and pieces, but that's no complaint I love both of them. They definitely have bold and unique pieces as well as a Pinapple Dance Studio Collaboration which is totally awesome.
Plus they have adopted the Ethical Trading Initiative base code in order to make sure their clothing is manufactured ethically.

Oysho do some stunning paces, I am slightly obsessed with their Ocean Breeze swimwear collection. And along with swimwear they mainly do lingerie and sportswear with some beautiful homewear and beachwear thrown in. When i first saw their website I was expecting big prices but I think I'm definitely going to buy some of their swimwear for this summer.
Their bras are gorgeous too but unfortunately only go up to a C-Cup, this E-Cup gotta find cute sustainably made bras elsewhere.
Oysho focus most on their sustainablilty and effect on the environment, though they say their integrate caring for the planet's resources and people. You can read more about that here.
They are also available on ASOS.

I've loved Valfré for a very long time, and even went as one of their characters for halloween one, their clothes are just my style, and only recently had I noticed that their clothes are made in LA, and they even have an activists tees collection which give a percentage of proceeds to charities. Once I buy my perfect pair or dungarees their Girls Girls Girls jumper will be mine.

So that's it for this little ethical brand feature, hopefully you found a brand you like and do let me know in the comments if you want more of these; or even just more on ethical fashion. I do have cool things to come as I'm planning a relaunch of this site including a big ethical brand list page as well as other exiting features but that'll have to wait until I've finished my exams.
Have an amazing week!

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