It's been a while, I know. Oopsies! But I'm still here, don't worry and there will be a lot happening in summer, I've got big plans. These photos were taken while a while ago back when spring was just beginning, and now it's in full swing I'm just so happy. so much green everywhere, but also a lot of allergies which is no fun... and exams. But hey it's sunny and flowery so I'm happy! But still stuck inside revising... which will hopefully all be worth it!
School is ending so quickly now and it's a very strange but amazing feeling, only a week left and I only really have to go back for exams. Exciting stuff because then I have a whole year of whatever I want to do. But before that I have about 200 yearbook photos to edit, that could be fun.

Necklace - Missguided// Shoes - Chariy Shop// 
As I've been gone for so long (3 weeks can you believe) and nothing much has happened then I'm not really sure what to talk about here. It's been pretty, I've been to Oxford (which was lovely I spend a day doing maths) and my parents have built a greenhouse which is so cute and I cannot wait until it's all decorated and there's flowers in it because it will be so cute. I've planned more summer getaways with my friends and it's just been quite a chill few weeks, apart from all the work which is what everything comes back to. 
 But summer is on it's way and it's so exciting! I hope you've all had a good couple of weeks and you have a good next couple of weeks, hopefully I will be back sooner though, I have some posts to go out and photograph I just need to get dressed up and get my camera out.
Thanks for reading!