Hello guys. I'm actually wearing jeans in these outfit pictures, shock horror. After having to go out about 5 times a week after school to various things I guess I've finally gotten used to opting to the comfy jeans... plus people get a but judgemental when I dress like my very unusual self so I opt for being more normal than usual. That being said it's still not that bog standard. And in my free time I definitely still dress like the weirdo I am.
This is definitely one of my more normal looks. 
I love the light this time of year, always golden and pretty. Except when you're trying to take photos of yourself it's very difficult to get quite right (I have a lot of photos with a washed out face). And the light doesn't last nearly long enough for me and all my ridiculous evening activities. But I'm still managing to take photos for my beloved blog, still going! Quite impressed I am, though I think 2 posts a week is the maximum I can manage at the moment, school is craaazy. Though I am on instagram a lot if you are interested in my daily happenings and photos and stuffs.

Hat - H&M// Jumper - Urban Outfitters// Shirt - Rowfers in Afflecks Palace// Coat - Car Boot Sale// Jeans - Grin// Boots - Car Boot Sale//
Yes I'm very aware that one of the collar bits from my jacket is up in all these photos. It was completely accidental but I think it kind of works. Still v impressed it only cost me £1. And bitchface is alive and well in some of these photos; oops.
My new love afairs this autumn are definitely anything fluffy; the colour burgundy; plaid/tartan; boots; big coats; and capes (though sadly I own 0 capes). There's probably more to that list but that's what I can think of at the moment, if you see anything cute of any of those things let me know, I will be very grateful. especially if you find a beautiful cape... or over the knee boots for people with miniature ankles.
Definitely babbling a bit here now so I shall be off and let you get on with your day, adios. Hope you enjoyed this post. Feel free to let me know your fave things from this autumn in the comments :)