Hey guys, I'm actually really impressed I'm posting today because I'm sosuper busy at the moment, however, I am determined to keep on top of everything. I'm determined to keep this blog going through. I know the title is lame, I literally could not think of anything. 
Anyways, these photos were taken after I went to see pride (for the second time) and had lunch with some friends on Saturday. Which was lovely and Pride was even better the second time. I also had the best vegan chilli I have ever had. It was the only vegan chilli I have ever had but it was still amazing and I definitely recommend Las Iguanas. Also I'm super duper pleased with these photos, everything is all autumnal and I love that, plus considering how low the light was that I shot these in I am quite impressed. 

Shirt - M&S// Top - Urban Outfitters// Skirt - Ark// Boots - Primark// Bag - LYDC London (bought on Amazon)//
So this is me attemting to bring more colour into my wardrobe, though I still only tend to work with two colours at once. I love burgundy, and pretty much any autumnal colour, so this season is a blessing to my fashion. Especially in the sales so I can stock up for when spring throws pastels everywhere.
This bag is amazing, it changes colour in the light, and as a lover of anything holographic/iridescent, I am very much in love with the colour. It has suddenly gotten cold though, which I'm kind of glad about because I can wear my coat again; it's super cosy.