So this is my second artist feature, you can view my first here. This didn't get too many views but I really enjoyed doing it so I'm hoping more people will enjoy them in the future. Plus I found this artist and just had to share.
I'm not sure if they have any other sites but you can view their pixiv here.

Again the futuristic out of this world style with a big hint of surreal. You can get a glimpse here of the art work I really love and I guess a lot of what I feature in the future will be similar.

 First off is this beautiful piece. As you can see the style is more clean than Zain's work and has a more pixel feel. This is just so odd and surreal that I don't quite know what to say about it. But I love it none the less.
The signs say ''Adults'' and ''Children'' (according to google translate my Japanese isn't that good) so again, not sure what's going on.
I really like the style of this piece. From the texture of her skirt to the imperfect peacock feathers. It's simple but not, and again very odd (that's not a bad thing).

This is awesome, the bold colours and precise patterns. I'm guessing it represents the Tokyo underground but there must be something else as well? It's pretty cool none the less and everything just fits together so well. If I tried something like this it would be a mess but this is all just perfect.

I notice that this artist uses a lot of girls in school uniforms for their pieces, it kind of works though for the bored or interested, inquisitive look. Plus a lot of people outside Japan (including myself) envy the Japanese school uniform.
I just love the patterns in this, it seems a bit wacky but as you look closer you see the girl in the picture is some kind of psychic bending spoons and making things float, looking extremely bored by it all. These photos all just make you wonder.

This is actually one of my favourites. It's so simple. I love おどり's use of patterns (like the scarf) and the way the sheets of rain blend into the umbrella not getting a thing on the girl under it (if only real umbrellas were like this). It makes me feel cosy sat indoors, especially as it's raining as I write this.

I feel myself babbling a lot here, I want to show my love of these pieces but I don't really know what to say or the right words to use. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this art feature and I hope to bring you more in the future. 
I won't have a post up tomorrow, but I should have a new outfit post up on Saturday (from a party tomorrow) so stay tuned for that, and also I'd like to say hi to my new folloers c:. Until next time :)