disclaimer: this post contains affiliate links where I can earn commission from the links on my site. This does not affect the prices of the items you are buying.
This outfit post was originally planned for last week, when I wrote a post talking about the atrocities in Chechnya and how the media are saying nothing about the whole thing, but adding an outfit and pictures of me into it didn’t seem right so I thought I’d keep the two separate.
It also gives me a bit of a chance to talk about finding my voice and the new muccycloud that’s coming.
Shirt -Redbubble
Skirt - Old (similar)
For the last year I’ve been posting a lot of travel posts (1 a week in fact) and have been posting consistently and happily. But I’ve become a bit bored of just posting about what I did when I went travelling and just kind of reeling it off. The travel posts are coming to an end and I’m going to be posting twice a week with content I really want to post. I will still be doing travel segments but they’ll be done in a different way, they’ll hopefully be a lot better, and will be less often (as I don’t travel for six months of the year ever year).
As some of you guys know I’ve been writing for Love From Berlin, and loving it, for a couple of months through which I’ve had a chance to work with Rae and  her editors and have had people being constructively critical about my work and my voice. It’s helped me to no end, it’s given me so much more confidence to write better and write what I want. So that’s what’s coming.
Stronger voice, me being more myself. I don’t want to reveal too much, as my new site is currently being designed, but it’s going to be a “friendly activist blog” where I’ll post a lot about ethical fashion but also about mental health, about LGBT issues like my last post (which was a while ago I know, exams are taking over), and other things like that. My site had matured and transformed over the years as I have and now it’s time for a big leap as I grow and gain more confidence to talk openly about things that are important to me. I hope you guys can look forward to it because I am very excited.
The outfit! I found a picture of this t shirt on some social media site and needed it immediately. It has a good point and wearing it does make me feel a little self-conscious, of judgement from people, but I want to have the confidence to wear it out and to challenge my insecurities, like I will hopefully be doing with the new version of this little site.
It’s time to speak up and stand up for what I believe in rather than just thinking it and being too scared of how others might perceive me.