This post is very late to the party, what with it being the 2nd of may (crazyy). This is because I was waiting to develop about 5 photos from my film reel, all from the last two days of march, the only pain of film photography is the waiting. I was going to do this post last week but then it was Fashion Revolution week and that was more important to post about than how my March went.
So a very late march post, but I like reflecting on months past, it gives a nice positive perspective which is something I need in this very stressful May to come.

March was a sunny and all round positive month, it's a month where I really felt settled into uni, i was doing loads of things I wanted to and all round enjoying myself.

I've also changed my photo taking round half way through, it was quite creatively stunting to have to just take 1 photo, evey single day, where some days I did 101 things and others I spend 3 days stright in my flat doing work. So now at the end of the month I aim for photos to show how my month went but not with one photo every day, with lots of photos from a range of days as this feels more free and creative.
1st March means St Davids Day! I was going to make welsh cakes but I was curled up in bed all day.
Spoons for a hungover friend, well and me but they needed it more.
Dicks on a bus
A very pretty sky
Stone Baked Pizza Company do soya free vegan cheese!!
I can never tell where my camera is focusing, this was supposed to be cute
My Mumma came to visit! 
dunno what it is but I like it
This field is now covered in beautiful flowers, I see it every day on my way to campus
The total babe in the middle's Birthday Celebrations

My door is too heavy for this doorstop, so he lives on my window sill
Japanese food after Japanese class
Was trying tot take a picture of the cool shadow on the empty bus, didn't go to plan
This picture wasn't taken in Wales but it feels very, very Welsh
@ Fan Club's Second Birthday, basically an amazing girl party, I wrote an article about it for this month's Love From Berlin (live May 8th)
Me in my element, full of vegan cake and covered in glitter
Is it really a Birthday Party without confetti?
On the way to take a load of photos, took a photo
The first time I've been in Nottingham's bus station,
Car Park Rooftops are my fave
Card Games and Calligraphy in Japanese Society
Rainbow over Campus
Trees blossoming are just too pretty

Ok so that's a lot of photos, so much happened in March! It was actually a wonderful month, where I really felt home in Nottingham and at Uni. Happy times.

Good things that happened in March:
- Nottingham finally, properly felt like home
- I ate a lot of good food
- I had good sober nights out! Yay 4 healing my stomach
- My Mum came to visit me
- Flowers started to pop up everywhere, and the trees started to look green
- I went to one of the best gigs I've ever been to for Fanclub's 2nd Birthday
- Took time to scout out photography locations and go explore
- Did my Japanese speaking exam, and got a 2:1

So that's it for March, soon I'll be reflecting on April but for not it's back to getting through May, it's going to be a tough one.