Hi snazzy cats (ok trying a new greeting, not sure that one works) how's it going? Back with a slightly different post one I haven't done in over two years, coloured contact lenses! I haven't actually used coloured contacts since then so this was an experience, but I am going to wear them out this time, last time trying to get them in was too traumatic for me to try again for a while. I like to think I've improved in many ways since my last post (I mean you can see my old lense review here), but you can make your own decisions there.
So yeah lense review, some green lenses, I mean I always wanted green eyes as a kid, from Coloured Lenses UK who were kind enough to send them to me for review. The lenses are from their Freshlook Colourblends collection which has some pretty cool colours in.
I really really like the design on me and how they look on my eyes, it's sort of like my eyes but a green. The limbal ring is a good size too, but they're quite simple in design I don't think they're in our face beautiful.
Colour 3/5
To me they're a bit dark, I don't think they're all that realistic green looking but I guess that's going off the fact I have very light eyes.
Enlargement 1/5
Now these aren't circle lenses so they're not designed to be that enlarging but I like that because it doesn't make my eyes look too big. But the diameter of the lense is bigger than my iris naturally is so there's still an enlarging effect on my eyes.
Naturalness 3/5
They were quite natural in some lights, for example when i was taking selfies on my phone I felt like they were just my eyes but green. However in some of my shots off my camera with the flash on they looked a little freaky and vampirish (I mean a little) so they're not perfectly natural, you'd definitely sill be able to tell they were lenses. I felt they looked really natural sometimes and then a minute later not so much, I couldn't really decide.
Comfort 4/5
These were pretty comfy, I forgot they were in my eyes for a little while while i was engrossed in watching a video and then again in sims. But most of the time I could definitely felt them were in my eyes; though not in an uncomfortable way. But I wore them for a few hours without any discomfort really.
Overall I do really like these, I think they're quite a natural look, which was what I was looking for, but you can still tell they're not real eyes. I included the instagram picture (sorry for the bad quality) just to show how they look in natural light as they look, well, a lot more natural. They're definitely not a circle lense which is gunna make you look like a doll or something and for me that's good because I don't want super big eyes really.
So yeah, something a bit different for those of you who haven't been following me for over 2 years (which is most of you guys). You'll probably be seeing these lenses cropping up in posts to come because I think I'll start wearing them out, I like being able to change my eye colour I feel a little bit more chameleon like. I mean not that I don't like my natural eye colour it's just nice for a change every once in a while.
Also do you guys like this kind of review post? I enjoy doing them once in a while though I'm definitely no beauty blogger and my pictures still need some work. Let me know what you think!
So yeah lense review, some green lenses, I mean I always wanted green eyes as a kid, from Coloured Lenses UK who were kind enough to send them to me for review. The lenses are from their Freshlook Colourblends collection which has some pretty cool colours in.
Diameter: 14.5mm// Water content: 55%// Life Span: 1 Year
Design 4/5I really really like the design on me and how they look on my eyes, it's sort of like my eyes but a green. The limbal ring is a good size too, but they're quite simple in design I don't think they're in our face beautiful.
Colour 3/5
To me they're a bit dark, I don't think they're all that realistic green looking but I guess that's going off the fact I have very light eyes.
Enlargement 1/5
Now these aren't circle lenses so they're not designed to be that enlarging but I like that because it doesn't make my eyes look too big. But the diameter of the lense is bigger than my iris naturally is so there's still an enlarging effect on my eyes.
Naturalness 3/5
They were quite natural in some lights, for example when i was taking selfies on my phone I felt like they were just my eyes but green. However in some of my shots off my camera with the flash on they looked a little freaky and vampirish (I mean a little) so they're not perfectly natural, you'd definitely sill be able to tell they were lenses. I felt they looked really natural sometimes and then a minute later not so much, I couldn't really decide.
Comfort 4/5
These were pretty comfy, I forgot they were in my eyes for a little while while i was engrossed in watching a video and then again in sims. But most of the time I could definitely felt them were in my eyes; though not in an uncomfortable way. But I wore them for a few hours without any discomfort really.
Overall I do really like these, I think they're quite a natural look, which was what I was looking for, but you can still tell they're not real eyes. I included the instagram picture (sorry for the bad quality) just to show how they look in natural light as they look, well, a lot more natural. They're definitely not a circle lense which is gunna make you look like a doll or something and for me that's good because I don't want super big eyes really.
So yeah, something a bit different for those of you who haven't been following me for over 2 years (which is most of you guys). You'll probably be seeing these lenses cropping up in posts to come because I think I'll start wearing them out, I like being able to change my eye colour I feel a little bit more chameleon like. I mean not that I don't like my natural eye colour it's just nice for a change every once in a while.
Also do you guys like this kind of review post? I enjoy doing them once in a while though I'm definitely no beauty blogger and my pictures still need some work. Let me know what you think!
Thanks for reading!
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