Ok so I had a couple of comments on my last 'art of' post saying people really liked it so I thought I'd do another one. Another Japanese artist but I'm a fan of Japanese art I guess, and what I find is what I find (I find most of these artists on pixiv and that is mainly Japanese artists) so I'll try something different next time?

This art is slightly different to the last two though, less of the futuristic digital art paintings. More of the soft watercolours in stunning detail. I always love panting in watercolour and it's probably one of the mediums I'd class myself as ok at but I never really got how to do it like this. With detail and a range of tones, I admire her work for so many reasons.

I found it really hard to narrow it down to a few photos but they all seem to have such raw emotion in them so that's what I'll focus on. And I tried to pick a range to look at. You may think what I'm saying is complete bull but hey ho

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So as you can see here, there's just such depth in the tone, and though she's only using a couple of colours here you it actually works to the advantage of the art. A stern face but soft eyes with a deep emptiness inside of them, the rest of the painting kind of reflects this with minor detail and colour added. Im just so in love with this image.

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This one is more noisy, with a few more colours and the background seems to be taking over the rest of the page. It kind of seems like the subject is trapped, looking innocent and vulnerable against the mess closing in. Almost a helpless look on their face. I love the way Tae paints the details on the face, the light and shade with subtle dots of light making it look not quite true to life.

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I'm pretty sure a lot of this is digital art as you can;t get colours and patterns like that from watercolour. But I'm completely in love with this, it's abstract but you can tell the bakdrop is an autumny scene, flowers or turning leaves. Again, very strong emotion on the subjects face with some kind of deep sadness that seems to come out in all of Tae's works. Well not quite the same emotion but it's definitely not happiness.

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This is one of the mos detailed in colour and features, not as white washed as the other images. But this adds to the overall effect I suppose. At a first glance you could mistake this for a happier picture, all the colours and upturned expression. But as per all the paintings, the eyes give it away. This is almost a look of complete and utter madness and loss of control, that works with the colours and backdrop perfectly. I especially love the hair in this picture, I find it hard enough to paint natural coloured hair, let alone pink hair.

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I guess this painting completely contrasts with the past picture. It's completely white washed with limited colours. And the subjects' face seems tired, done, not at all like the eyes of insanity of the last one. The redness of the eyes and face make it look like she's been crying and it's subtle but powerful emotion here. Just giving up.

Sorry if all of my comments have bummed you out a bit here. Didn't mean them too just sharing my view. If you agree or completely disagree feel free to leave your thoughts below in the comments. I love hearing other people's view on art such as this.
And you can check out more of Tae's art and other things on these:

Until next time (which will probably be tomorrow with a review) adios c: